November is Financial Literacy Month! Right now is an excellent time to get educated about your finances before the new year. We're sharing tips on how to budget effectively, how to protect your information online and how to use online banking effectively. Online Banking and Keeping Your Information Safe Internet scams, fraud and theft are…
Financial Literacy
This page is your go-to resource for practical advice, helpful tips, and expert insights to make managing your money easier. Whether you’re looking to save, invest, or simply understand your options, we’re here to help you build confidence and achieve your financial goals—one step at a time.

Discover the Power of a Great Financial Plan
Putting together a financial plan is a great way to not only stay on top of your personal finances but also begin to plan for your future and any upcoming financial goals that you’d like to work towards. There are often several questions that arise when assembling a financial plan that the average consumer won’t…

Understanding Mortgage Interest Rates
Buying a home is likely to be one of the largest purchases that you make in your lifetime. If you are like most people, you will need to take out a mortgage to purchase a home rather than paying for it fully in cash. A mortgage is a long-term loan that is designed to help…

Financing Your Small Business With OCU
Starting a small business is incredibly exciting, but it can also be an overwhelming process. From naming your business to securing financing that will help you get your small business off the ground, it’s important to take your time and get a plan in place to help give you a strong foundation to build your…

Plan for Your Future with Financial Advice from OCU
When it comes to planning for your financial future, understanding how your finances work and where to put your money can become overwhelming. This is where financial advisors come along. Working with a financial advisor is a great way to better understand your personal finances and create a long-term plan that can benefit you for…

Different Budgeting Methods to Help You Save Money
When it comes to managing your finances, budgeting is one of the best ways to break down how much money you have coming in and how much money you have going out. There are numerous different budgeting methods out there, and it can become overwhelming to try to decide which one works best for you.…

What to Do After Receiving an Inheritance
When receiving a large sum of money such as an inheritance, knowing how to manage that money can sometimes become overwhelming. It’s important to remember that there are lots of other people who have gone through the exact same process, and the great news is that there are lots of great resources available that can…

Everything You Need To Know About The 5 C’s of Credit
When it comes to the overall health of your finances, credit plays a huge role in your ability to secure a loan, buy a home, and even get approved for a cell phone. Credit takes your financial habits into account, meaning that if you have been haphazard with spending, or have been unsuccessful in applying…

Everything You Need To Know About RRSPs
Saving for your retirement isn’t often something that people think about when they are just starting out as an adult. It might seem like you just started working, but the reality is that retirement is no longer a hazy concept far off in the future. Thinking about saving for retirement can seem like a daunting…

Everything You Need to Know About Commercial Mortgages
Commercial properties and business ownership often go hand-in-hand. Chances are, if you are a limited or incorporated business, you’ll likely require financial assistance in order to purchase commercial property. This means that you will likely have to get a commercial mortgage and it’s important to understand exactly what a commercial mortgage entails so you can…