Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs)

A Registered Education Saving Plan is a government approved plan for the purpose of providing post-secondary education funding for a beneficiary. Income earned within the plan is not taxed until it is withdrawn.

For more information on our RESPs, please contact us and our knowledgeable staff will be happy to help.

Helpful Resources

British Columbia Training & Education Savings Grant Information

Canada Education Savings Grant (CESG)

Get All the Education Savings Grants You Deserve

Federal and provincial education savings grants can add potentially thousands of dollars to your RESP. We want to help ensure you get all the government incentives you’re entitled to, which may include:

ProgramAnnual BenefitMaximum Lifetime BenefitEligibility RequirementsApply
Canada Education Savings Grant (CESG)20% on the first $2,500 contributed each year to a maximum of $500 per child per year$7,200 per child (including additional CESG)Any children under the age of 18 who are Canadian residents; must have a SINDownload Application Form
Additional CESGAn additional 10% or 20% on the first $500 contributed (i.e., up to $50 or $100) per child per yearN/ABased on income level; indexed annuallyDownload Application Form
Canada Learning Bond (CLB)An initial grant of $500 plus $100 per year until age 15$2,000Based on the number of qualified children and the adjusted income of the primary caregiverDownload Application Form
Quebec Education Savings Incentive (QESI)10% on the first $2,500 contributed each year to a maximum of $250 per child per year$3,600 (including additional QESI)Quebec residents onlyDownload Application Form
Additional QESIAn additional 5% or 10% on the first $500 contributed each year (i.e., up to $25 or $50) per child per yearN/ABased on income level; indexed annually (Quebec residents only)Download Application Form
British Columbia Training and Education Savings Grant (BCTESG)A one-time contribution of $1,200$1,200Children born in 2006 or later who are ages 6 to the day before they turn 9Download Application Form