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AGM Postponed, Director Nominations Continue

AGM Postponed, Director Nominations Continue

Notice of Meeting: 74th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING – Postponed

The Osoyoos Credit Union Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held in May of 2020 at the Watermark Beach Resort, 15 Park Place, Osoyoos B.C., is postponed with plans to hold the meeting later in the year. The election to fill three Director vacancies will go ahead as planned.

On February 10, 2019 Osoyoos Credit Union issued a call for Nominations to fill three Director vacancies. Directors with Terms expiring are:

Thomas Martin
Zachary Poturica*
Richard Douziech*

* Denotes directors who have agreed to allow their name to stand for another term.

The Nominating committee invites members of Osoyoos Credit Union to nominate members to fill the terms that are expiring. Nominations are open until April 13th, 2020.

A member may only file a nomination on behalf of one member for Director.

Nomination papers can be picked up at Osoyoos Credit Union 8312 Main St., Osoyoos B.C. during normal working hours or on our website at www.ocubc.com.

A Director shall, in discharging the office of director:

  • treat in confidence all matters involving Osoyoos Credit Union, the Board of Directors, its committees, employees and members of the Osoyoos Credit Union.
  • not disclose the same where it is not in the public record or domain unless sanctioned by the board of directors to do so
  • and refrain from entering into any transaction in which the director may make use of confidential information in order, directly or indirectly, to obtain benefit or advantage for the director or anyone else, other than the Osoyoos Credit Union.

Voting will be by electronics means and can be accessed on the Osoyoos Credit Union website, www.ocubc.com. In addition, Members, Corporations, and Partnerships will receive notification by mail with all instructions for voting prior to May 6, 2020, when voting will commence. You will have until May 20, 2020 to cast your ballot by electronic means whether in branch or your personal device. For the purpose of being eligible to vote in an election, a person must be a member, other than a junior member, and in good standing as at December 31st of the preceding year.

Nomination Package