
What is the Community giving Fund?

OCU’s Community Giving Fund supports local non-profit organizations and community groups with projects and initiatives that contribute to economic revitalization and improved quality of life, while breaking down barriers in order to help families achieve economic success and enhanced quality of life.

Requirements to Receive Funding

  • Local Organizations and Community Groups must demonstrate clear alignment with Osoyoos Credit Union’s Community Giving Policies areas of focus and submit following in their written application:
  • Organizational capacity to complete the project.
  • That the project/program benefits the communities the Credit Union serves (Osoyoos, Oliver, Rock Creek, and Keremeos).
  • That achievable, measurable outcomes are identified.
  • That the group recognizes and supports the diversity of individuals, groups and communities.
  • That the group encourages innovation through new approaches, new models, and new ways of making change for individuals in the community.
  • That the group promotes collaboration and partnerships through mobilizing and facilitating individuals, groups, and communities to work together towards sustainable economics.
  • That the group can leverage additional funding opportunities and community resources.
  • Preference will be given to organizations that are members of OCU.

Grant Guidelines

Grant applications related to the following focus areas are welcomed
  • Economic Revitalization – Economic revitalization refers to a broad range of activities, programs and initiatives of community-based organizations, government and business that are designed to improve the economic well-being of individuals and communities. Examples include poverty reduction; housing; organizational and community capacity building; and social enterprise (non-profit organizations operating a business).
  • Access and Inclusion – Social, economic and cultural opportunities contribute to the ability of individuals and communities to fully participate in the local economy and an enhanced quality of life. This area supports activities, programs and initiatives that increase access to social, economic and cultural opportunities. Examples include arts and culture, recreation programs, and employment training.

What Osoyoos Credit Union May Fund

  • Community Projects – The Credit Union supports community-based projects created to improve economic opportunities, quality of life, and access to social, economic and cultural opportunities. For example, initiatives that create employment opportunities or improve accessibility; programs that reduce barriers to employment; or programs that provide opportunities for children to attend art and cultural events.
  • Community Planning – The Credit Union invests financial and human resources in community-based, multi-stakeholder planning processes which are designed to improve economic well-being and overall quality of life. This might include community forums, or initiatives with a mandate to reduce poverty or address issues such as affordable housing.
  • Organizational Development – The Credit Union helps strengthen the capacity of the non-profit sector through the provision of organizational development grants so that organizations can help individuals and families achieve economic success and enhanced quality of life. This might include support to non-profit organizations for strategic planning, communications strategies or a business plan.
  • Community Learning – The Credit Union wants to increase the capacity of organizations working to improve economic conditions and quality of life in its communities. Community learning grants include support for conferences and education/training seminars, and bursaries or subsidies to cover registration and/or cost of attendance.
Grant Approval Process

Funding applications will be accepted twice during the year (with deadlines of March 31st and October 31st) and will be reviewed by Osoyoos Credit Union’s Community Giving Committee. Please allow at least one month for a response to your application. We will respond in writing to all applicants following the review process.

If your grant application is approved, you will be required to sign a Funding Agreement and submit a project evaluation (Appendix B) form at the end of your project. Please Note Preference will be given to organizations that are members of Osoyoos Credit Union. Osoyoos Credit Union reserves the right to publish the names of the successful applicants in its marketing materials (including newspapers, newsletters, radio broadcasts, and bulletin boards). Please allow at least one month for a response to your application. We will respond in writing to all applicants following the review process. If your grant application is approved, you will be required to sign a Funding Agreement and submit a project evaluation (Appendix B) form at the end of your project.


Please Note

Preference will be given to organizations that are members of Osoyoos Credit Union. Osoyoos Credit Union reserves the right to publish the names of the successful applicants in its marketing materials (including newspapers, newsletters, radio broadcasts, and bulletin boards).